Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bonus post!!!

It breaks my heart to see (1) next to the month of August here at RJ Battles. That would go for any one of the twelve. But this past August was such a good time that it seems like a real shame that there's no real record of it.

There's a lot we could've talked about: The White Stripes, Daniel Craig as James Bond, The Picture of Dorian Gray, growing plants under glass, annoying co-workers- there's so much more.

We can still talk about it I guess. The cold weather is coming, and I'm going need someone to talk to when it's snowing outside and the sidewalks are empty and my computer screen is glowing like a warm fire and I'm holding a cigarette and a cup of hot chocolate and I hear reindeer hooves on the roof blah blah blah

Anyway, we'll talk about it later.

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