Saturday, February 14, 2009


I touched on this subject in an earlier post but now I have to tell the full story:
Her in town where I moved in October I walk everywhere. And everyday that I leave the house I find money on the ground.

My whole life I've looked down while walking. Part of it is fear of tripping; part of it is shyness. I've gotten better over the years and I try to have a more confident posture, but my gaze is still usually directed at the ground.

Now, my walking style is starting to pay off, and handsomely too.

I'll always find at least a penny. A lot of times I'll find a nickle or dime too. I like days where I end up with, say, 16 cents to drop in my washed-out salsa jar. I'm not the type to check coin return slots in vending machines and whatnot but there were a couple times where I found a lone quarter on or on the ground in front of a pay phone that I was about to use.

There was a night a couple months ago where I found 2 or 3 one dollar bills on the road alongside the curb while I was walking to the supermarket. Last week my friend and I were leaving a Wendy's dining room and I could see that there was some kind of bill on the ground outside right in front of the entrance. I called out, "Dollar on the ground. It's mine", and then rushed through both doors so that anyone approaching from the parking lot couldn't beat me to it.

Even though my parents are Catholic my friends are always calling me a Jew (actually they're always calling me a dirty Jew or a filthy Jew). It's my nose, my cheapness, and the way I've always got an eye out for money. They're right, but sometimes I even surprise myself. Earlier this morning I was walking back from the drug store and deleting some of the texts that were cluttering my Inbox and Outbox when I glanced at a small pice of paper that was frozen into a snowbank along the sidewalk. It was dirty, faded, folded into 8ths and half covered in snow but somehow I spotted it: a one dollar bill.

Sorry, my friends are sleeping and I had to tell somebody. But that's exciting, right?

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