Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm here without notes...

...and with limited time. I'm at the local library. I miss having the internet at home. That way I have access to more information and can write better posts. But, I'm here and I wanted to take the chance to write a little something.

The past week has been fun and it's given me a lot of hope for the future. I went out drinking for someone's birthday, I made 2, maybe 3, new friends, and I've decided to make some big changes.

I guess the biggest thing is having new friends (nothing wrong with the old ones though). It's just that it's fun learning about new people and their way of doing things. It's helpful. Plus, though I've met a lot of people since moving here a few months ago, it's really good to actually connect with someone and to know that they'd like to have something to do with you outside of work.

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