Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Just Like Anyone"

"Just Like Anyone" is track 10 from Aimee Mann's 1999 album Bachelor #2. A few months ago I found the quote below.

"This is a song I wrote when Jeff Buckley died...I hadn't known Jeff extremely well, but we kept bumping into each other here and there.

"One night we met at a pub in New York City and we started writing messages to each other on a paper placemat that was there, instead of talking, because the music was really loud or something.

"An interesting effect of that was that we found ourselves writing things we would never dare to say to each other out loud. I remember thinking that he seemed sort of lost and sad although outwardly he was very funny and lively and confident, and wrote something about that, amoung other things.

"...one night I got a voicemail from him that said, "I just realized what you were trying to tell me that night". I tried to call him back but the number I had for him was old. I got his new number but I was out of town again and it was hard to call, and then I heard that he was missing and presumed dead..."

"Just Like Anyone" (A. Mann)

So maybe I wasn't
that good a friend
but you were one of us
and I will wonder
just like anyone
if there was something
else I could've done
So maybe it's true that
your cry for help
was oh, so very faint
but still I heard
and knew something was wrong
just nothing you could
put your finger on
and I will wonder
just like anyone
just like anyone

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