A little while ago I was on Youtube re-watching Countess LuAnn's (Bravo's
Real Housewives of New York) video for "Money Can't Buy You Class". Please go watch it, I'll wait.
Now what can you or I say about that song?
Like most people, I first became aware of Auto-Tune when Cher used it in 1999 on her song "Believe". You know, like every once in a while her voice would sound fucked-up and robotic. But it was kind of cool and it improved the song, I'd say. I mean, I don't like that song, but it's not terrible.
Anyway, since then, a lot of singers have used Auto-Tune on their records. I think usually you know it when you hear it.
The best use of Auto-Tune is when those guys applied it to news footage of Antoine Dodson and made "The Huntsville Rapist Bed Intruder Song".
He's climbin' in your windows
He's snatchin' your people up
Tryin' to rape 'em/ So y'all need to
Hide yo' kids'
Hide yo' wives
Hide yo' kids/ Hide yo' wife
And hide yo' husband
Cause they rapin' e'rybody up in h're
Again, if you haven't seen it, go check it out, I'll be here.
As you can see, they made a really good, catchy song. I read somewhere that the guys who made the footage into a song split the ITunes profits with Dodson and he was able to buy a new house with the money.
But, back to Countess LuAnn. I don't know who actually wrote this song, but as you would guess, it's awful. It's condesending and very lame. She speaks the verses and sings the chorus and her vocals are aggressively Auto-Tuned.
I watched the video and then I read the comments because I wanted to see people really tear into the song and out of the 28 pages I looked at there were 3 funny posts.
The rest were just as lame as the song. It just got more and more disappointing. You wouldn't believe how many people posted some variation of "Money can't buy you class, but it can buy you Auto-Tune". Or, they'd say, it can't buy you talent, or a hit song, or a good singing voice, ect.
I just keep on thinking of all the people who watched the video and then said to themselves, "I'm gonna post a comment about how money
can buy _____". Why didn't any of them look through past comments to see if- maybe- someone else thought to write the exact same fucking thing.
I'm telling you: Countess LuAnn is going to read those comments and feel vindicated. She's going to say, "Look, all my critics are retards".
And she's going to be right.