Thursday, April 7, 2011

More Carrie Fisher

I didn't find out until last night, but Carrie Fisher used to have her own show on the Oxygen Network for two seasons back in 2002 and 2003- Conversations From The Edge With Carrie Fisher.

The interviews were done in her home and she talked with George Lucas, Jude Law, Diane Sawyer, Diane Keaton, and Janeane Garafalo.

There was only one interview available to watch on the internet but it is the one that I would most want to see: Courtney Love. The interview was awesome. Very intimate- they talked about everything. Courtney described her type: frail. She's attracted to frail, fragile men. She said that's why she was attracted to Edward Norton- he was slim, with thin wrists and thin ankles.

If you get a chance, watch the whole interview on Youtube.

This morning I found a website called Fuck Yeah Carrie Fisher. It's mostly photos and 85% are from Star Wars but there are a lot from the 80s and early 90s. She was so cool and stylish. I poured over three pages and added the site to my Favorites so I can go back and see the rest of it.

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