Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hi how are you

Its been so long but I dont have a computer anymore and post on my phone is a pain but I really wanna get back into this. There's a lot I wanna talk about: some old obsessions, like Carrie Fisher (in the spring she's publishing her diaries from when she made the first three Star Wars movies. They'll probably do well but I'm not interested. I wanna hear more about Paul Simon and what went on when she made Soapdish. I'd buy a book just for that or to find out stuff about her days as a script doctor), John Landis (I'm interested in Twilight Zone The Movie and what really happened between Landis and Spielberg. And Spielberg bugs me. I hate his movies from the past twenty years, especially War of the Worlds).

There are also some new pictures I wanna put up. There are some cool ones from The Breeders LSXX. I hope I'll see you again soon.

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