Friday, May 6, 2011

It's official

I am a focused, driven, ambitious person- hungry for challenges and success, on a non-stop express train to my many goals.

I finally started a couple days ago. One of my new things is that I'm now shaving every day that I have to work. It used to be that I'd skip a few days and get a little scruffy. Nobody said to be more clean shaven. In fact, two of the managers said they like my "scuffy look", and the owner said I looked "very GQ". My skin gets irriated, but eventually I'd like to start shaving everyday, even my days off.

Something I've been doing for the past two days is cleaning my room. I want it to be organized and use the space better. All of my art supplies need to be at arm's reach and there's gotta be a place to work where I don't have to move shit around before I get started. That's important.

I've got library books that were supposed to go back at theend of march. I'm gonna return them this weekend.

Part of my new system is I'm not going to put things off anymore. That means there's a lot of catching up to do cause I've put off a lot of shit.

I've filled up an entire sheet of paper with money-making plans and schemes. Some things just won't happen, they're bad ideas that wouldn't work, but most of the things on the list are do-able. One example is window displays.

I live in a town with a very popular downtown. There are a lot of businesses on and around Main Street with small-to-medium-sized storefront windows and ever since I moved here I've wanted to design eye-catching visuals. I think I could do some great stuff, especially around Christmastime.

I'm going to choose a few stores that need help. Then I'm going to do some sketches, find the cheapest way to execute things, and then present the blueprints to the business owners.

I'm very excited because things are different now and I'm seeing opportunities everywhere.

Around New Years I cleaned out a pickle jar and put on a label that said Car Jar. At one point there was over $60 inside but I ended up needing the cash for something else. I'm starting over and everything goes in there from now on. Not everything, actually. I'm gonna check out some banks- sometimes they'll put $50 in your new account after the first 60 days. I also got, for Christmas, a change bank that has a digital display and counts your change as you insert it.

But the point is: you reap what you sow. I'm planting seeds (including some basil seeds- both of my original terrariums are back in business) for things to grow in the future.

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