Thursday, July 22, 2010

This blog needs:

This blog, RJ Battles, needs some new life. While I've tracked down some cool images to post here ("tracked down" isn't the most honest way of describing how I sat at my computer and sifted through some different music sites, but oh well), so I think this blog is attractive enough.

This blog is missing good writing. If I were to group together my best posts- the ones that contained great, interesting, funny writing, how many would there be? I'd say two, maybe three. Really, there's only one post that immediately think of and that was written a year before I started RJ Battles and was simply reprinted here.

I'm not a natural writer. Growing up, I drew and painted. I had a picture in my head, with the colors and shapes, and not much was different between the idea and the paper.

But my writing is never like that. I never see the whole thing, only pieces. Even if I wrote a perfect sentence and followed it with another, chances are they wouldn't be related and the mismatch of it all would cancel the two out.

(to be continued)

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