Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I'm trying to get my brother to with me to the movies Friday night to see STAR WARS: EPISODE ONE in 3D. All I've ever seen is the first one, probably when I was 4, and I don't remember any of it. A guy my age should've seen them all dozens of times. What can I say? I missed a lot.

This winter has been weird so far: usually it's cold and snowy and I waste a lot of time indoors reading and watching TV shows I've already seen. Instead I've been working overtime and entertaining friends on weeknights. I'm not complaining, it just feels like something's missing. I'd like to take the whole weekend and watch the season two DVD set of The West Wing. First I've gotta buy it, though.

By the way, this past fall I was very broke- and I still kinda am- so I never got Throwing Muses: Anthology, but I still want it badly. The problem is: I don't know if the 2 disc set is still even available. If you have a copy and wanna give it too me send me a message and we'll work it out. Thank you.

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