Friday, February 6, 2009

End of an era

Tonight I walked to the neighbohood store for cigarettes and got a sad surprise.

I walked up to the register, cash in hand, and asked for a pack of my favorite cheap cigarettes (usually I smoke Camel Filters or Marlboro Mediums, but when cash is low- which it usually is- I get Doral Lights; like Camels, they're made by RJ Reynolds and they're almost like CFs, just 70 cents less); the kid behind the counter hesitated for a moment, then turned to get them while saying that they were going to stop making that brand soon and there were only a couple packs left.

Right away I felt a little sad. Dorals aren't something I would've normally tried but my mom used to smoke them so I'd given them a shot years before. Now she smokes Basics and when I told her the news she didn't really care, "I don't smoke those anymore".

I guess I'm getting all emotional for no good reason.

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