Friday, February 6, 2009

In the winter months

In the winter months it's great to have something to look forward to, no matter how small or low-key. It's cold and windy and dark outside and even if you want to venture out of the house there's not much going on anywhere. So it's good to find fun wherever you can.

For me it's my upcoming West Wing marathon. I'm planning on 11 episodes tomorrow and the other 11 on Sunday. But I'm not going to be watching them. I'm going to do some paintings, both watercolor and oil. I do watercolors regularly but it's a big deal when I pull out the oils.

Oil painting is so much fun and I do it pretty well but the set-up and the clean-up are a fucking pain. Otherwise I'd do it all the time.

My problem lately (actually, for the past year, but especially lately) is that I've been taking a lot in- books, movies, TV, ect, but I haven't been creating much. It's all off-balance.

This weekend will set everything right.

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