Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mission Statement

It probably started earlier, but around 1997 I noticed that every business or group, no matter how small, had to have a mission statement- a few sentences or one long sentence that stated that group's goals.

To me it always seemed too formal, too "7 Habits" (someday soon I'm going to finally read that book, the original). Still I'm going to try to outline, briefly, the purpose of this blog.

I think it was sometime last year, Final Girl put up a link to Entertainment Weekly's list of 10 Greatest Horror Movies. She mentioned the same thing that I liked about there list: Along with each movie they put up a picture from the film, and in just about every case they used an image that wasn't the usual movie still that you might expect.

I like that.

And that's what I try to do here.

You might notice for the Aimee Mann post last month I used a picture that was a composite of the Smilers artwork and for the Body of Evidence review I used a "Dita" photo from the "Erotica" video.

I'm trying to show, not just my favorite images, but some rarely-seen pictures that you might not normally come across.

I have some more that I'll be rolling out over the next month. Stay tuned (Shattered Glass review coming soon too).

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