Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

David Lynch has said that it was his intention that Twin Peaks would never reveal who killed Laura Palmer; he wanted it to stay a mystery and he knew that once the problem was solved the show would start to fade away. There was a lot of pressure from the network, though, and not long after the answer came out, the show was cancelled.

I thought it would be alittle funny if I kept on saying that my review of Shattered Glass was just around the corner and then keep pushing it back. I was gonna write it and post it eventually, but I was thinking of a few months down the road.

Now I've decided that now is the time. Not right now, probably not even today (though maybe today), but at least sometime this week.

There are still other record sleeves I wanna spotlight and write about but I'm done with that being the main focus. There are a lot more things I want to write about here at RJ Battles so I'm going to broaden the scope (or possibly narrow the scope- I'm not sure yet). The point is: you can expect some changes around here in the coming days and weeks.

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