Monday, March 2, 2009

Two movie posters, one attractive photo

I don't mean to copy Final Girl- she will, from time to time, do a "Awesome Movie Poster Friday" where she spotlights some film ads she likes, ususally all related to a certain director or series.

I just wanna take a break from record sleeves and show a couple posters that I like. The first is for The Green Mile and features a painting of Tom Hanks- it's sort of old fashioned and different. The other, from the movie The Invasion, is different too in that it seems more focused on being a striking image as opposed to selling the movie.

Also, a while back I was reading up on JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald on Wikipedia and I came across this photo of LHO. I had never seen it before and it caught my eye. That yellow-gold-orange glow from the bottom of the picture is really interesting. If I ever dig out my oil paints in the near future I mean to do a similar portait (not of LHO) with that same glow. By the way, the monitor on my other computer is broken- pictures on it look much darker, and, in most cases, much better. This one especially; I wish you could see it on the other one.

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