Friday, October 17, 2008

My least favorite sub-plot

AMC is playing all the Godfathers again tonight; watching Part II reminded me of, what I consider, the most annoying sub-plot in some movies:
The complaining wife.

Think of a movie like Donnie Brosco- good movie, interesting story. So how come every 15 there's another scene with Anne Heche whining that Johnny Depp isn't around enough? Instead, couldn't there be just one line of dialogue, maybe Johnny saying to a co-worker at the FBI, "Yeah, my wife is pissed cause she never sees me".

I didn't see all of JFK but I think the same thing happens there. There are other movies too, but I can't think of them right now. If you think of one let me know.

The thing is, whatever it is that the main character is doing, whatever their main purpose is- that's why we're watching the movie. Who wants to keep hearing, "You never spend any time with me & the kids"?

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