Monday, September 27, 2010

My favorite blog

"My Favorite Blog"
by RJ Battles
Monday, September 27, 2010

My favorite blog, and the one that inspired me to start my own blog, is Final Girl. This week I had some time to kill so I re-read some of my favorite posts: A few years ago she did two movie series marathons, one for Halloween, and tyhe other for Friday the 13th. It was a great idea and everything was written so well.

Last night I made a list of movies that I'd like to rent now that it's almost October. One of the movies is The Strangers (2008). Final Girl reviewed the movie and talked about the dumb things that horror movie characters do and the way that they don't stay to together for safety.

From Final Girl, June 12, 2008-

"(I)f I am one of two people trapped in a house by masked kookadooks and my pal, the one with the shotgun, says, "I'll be right back", I will say,"Fuck that noise, I am coming with you. Or leave the boomstick with me, your choice"."

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