Friday, October 1, 2010

2 years of RJ Battles almost

How do you celebrate two years of a blog that nobody reads?

Good question, RJ. I don't know.

Wouldn't it be funny if I had a raffle for $100? If I have two readers (big if) there's a 50% chance of winning. Good odds for somebody.

Maybe, on the big day- October 11- I'll put up a picture of myself naked and then take it down the next morning. Maybe I'll do it; that's a good reason to tune in.

While I don't have a large audience I do like the fact that there's a lot of content in the archives here. If someone where to stumble upon this blog and like it (another big if) they could have fun looking back on the past two years. Sometimes I look back and read things I've written and it isn't always as bad as I expect it to be. There are some decent posts. There are some beautiful pictures. Star-era Belly. The Kubrick paintings. Terrarium updates. By the way, terrarium update: my friend Amy calls them death tubes.

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