Sunday, October 17, 2010


I'm watching the Chiller Channel and I just saw an ad for a company called CardWoo.

They say that they'll buy your unwanted gift cards. I didn't catch whether or not they give you the full face value of the card or just part of it, and I can't imagine exactly what CardWoo does with the gift cards they buy; I'll have to pay closer attention the next time it comes on.

Gift cards are a bad gift, though. We all know that. And still we've all given them.

Cash is probably the best gift ever invented. I love opening a Christmas or birthday card and seeing money inside. Right away, ideas come about how to spend it. And gift cards are fine, of course, but they're limiting. Maybe you'll get a Best Buy card but you'll wish it was for Target instead.

The actors in the ad are funny; they come across like ungrateful scumbags but they're just saying what we've all thought. One woman stands at the register in a clothing store and says, "I don't want anything here. Why can't I just get the money instead".

The only people who should be given gift cards are junkies and other addicts who otherwise wouldn't buy food. You should get them a gift card from their local grocery store and you should give them a matching amount of cash so they can get high. You don't want them to be sick at Christmas, do you? Have a heart.

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