Monday, April 4, 2011

Change of plans

I was going to re-watch To Live and Die in LA and write about it but I quickly lost all interest. Not even the appearence of Dean Stockwell- I forgot he was in this- could pull me back in.

But at 10:15pm, The Ring (2002) started. I'd never seen it before except for 5 minutes in the middle and one minute towards the end, but I knew the basic story and I've seen some of the movies that tried to rip off some of the images- I'm thinking about the creepy girl from the Amityville Horror remake- so maybe that's why it didn't scare me as much as it should have.

I have to say: the opening sequence was good. I didn't realize till just now that it totally rips off the opening to Scream. Watch both yourself and see if I'm wrong.

Also the horse scene was crazy and totally unexpected, right up to the blood in the water.

I already knew the girl was gonna crawl out of the TV; that was the end scene that I already saw so the effect was lost on me. I can say, though: I'm not the kind of person who yells at characters in horror movies, but...I actually groaned and said, "Come on", when that guy backed into his own tall shelf like he forgot it was there. Couldn't he just trip and sprain his ankle? What I don't understand is how he made it from the floor to his chair during all that. Anyone?

All in all, it was good, but I think I'll skip The Ring 2.

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