Monday, April 11, 2011

New for April

I was talking with a friend today. She's 23 and I was wondering if she knew the song "My Love Is Your Love". She does, but to her it's an old song, something from when she was a kid. She looks at Whitney Houston almost the same way that I saw Diana Ross when I was growing up: an older act who still puts out music, but isn't new or vital- she just plays catch up and puts out records in whatever the style of the day happens to be. When I was a kid Diana Ross was doing disco songs like "Upside Down".

Anyway, our talk made me think about all the good things that have come out since 1999 so tonight I started compiling a list of good songs, albums, moives, and books that have come out over the past twelve years.

Over the next week I'm going to put out list as a way of giving exposure to some good things that you might've missed the first time around. If you have any ideas to add please let me know.

Thanks, RJ

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