Monday, August 30, 2010

Levi Johnston

Regular readers of RJ Battles know that this isn't a political blog. Sometimes I have opinions but most of the time I don't care, and one thing I especially don't care about is changing other people's minds.

I don't have a strong opinion about Sarah Palin. I don't like her, can't remember why.

When Levi Johnston started hanging out with Kathy Griffin he seemed like an OK guy. I don't care about him posing for Playgirl- what Sarah Palin calls his "aspiring porn career". I do findf it odd that a 18, 19 year-old straight guy would want to pose for Playgirl. What do his friends say about that? How did he get his family to go along with let?

In the past he's worked in the Alaskan oil fields so I can understand that he wants to make some big Hollywood money. Still, he's starting to come across as stupid and shameless. I'm sure people were already saying that when he announced his Playgirl plans, but now he's submitted a letter of intent to run for office in Alaska- it's going to be the basis for an upcoming reality show.

For some reason that rubs me the wrong way. I view almost all politicians, or at least from the last 100 years, as sleazy liars. Still, the idea of running for office for a TV show seems very wrong. It's a serious business. Were he to win, people's lives would be affected. What if he decided to have a stop sign removed as a favor for one of his buddies and then there's an accident and somebody dies. That probably won't happen, but nothing like that would ever ocour to Johnston.

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