Monday, August 30, 2010

Singled Out

Even though a lot of it was fake and scripted, I like the old MTV show Singled Out. The host, Chris Hardwick, was cool and Jenny McCarthy seemed like a lot of fun.

Jenny McCarthy ended up marrying Jim Carrey. She has an autistic child (I'm not sure if it's his or not) and she's become an activist; I saw her on Oprah a couple years ago.

A month ago I was watching Tosh.0 and he mentioned that McCarthy and Carrey were getting a divorce and he said something like "Jim Carrey got sick of hearing her talk about autism too".

It's funny, because that's exactly what I thought when I heard they were breaking up. She won't shut up about vaccinations and she calls herself a "Warrior Mommy" or something equally sexy. I don't know how he stood it so long.

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