Monday, January 3, 2011


I'm having the worst time drawing. Here's the thing: if you draw, you have to do it every single day. Otherwise, you get rusty. Then when you go to draw again it looks like shit. So you don't draw, until months later, and it sucks again, so you don't draw. And so on, and so on.

I've been drawing every day since December 23. I've done some good pictures, but most have been shitty and I've had to shred them. Slowly it's coming back to me.

I wish I had a scanner. I wanna show you the good pictures and the bad pictures.

So I'm off tomorrow and the next day. I'm going to try to draw as much as I can. I'm even going to break out the watercolors.

I'm hoping that by the time I go back to work I'll have a couple good pictures that are worth saving.

Wish me luck.

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