Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Talented Mr. Battles

The other day I was off from work and before I jumped into a Roseanne marathon I watched The Talented Mr. Ripley and I think if anyone is looking for a cool band name they should go with Marge Maintenance.

I don't like Matt Damon but he was pretty good in that movie and the ending is so sad. I want to see the original movie version because I read a few reviews that said that the newer version wasn't nearly as good and I think it was pretty awesome.

You've got Cate Blanchette playing a pest who keeps showing up at the wrong time and fucking everything up. Phillip Seynour Hoffman, who always plays assholes- all the way back to Scent of a Woman- and he's wicked dick here..."How's the peeping, Tommy? Tommy, how's the peeping? Tommytommytommytommy".

Gwenyth Paltrow- good through the beginning and fucking excellent at the end. I always think of Jude Law on Inside the Actor's Studio where he was sort of tool-ish but he totally nails it here. You believe he's Dickie Greenleaf the entire time.

And then the best: Philip Baker Hall as the American private eye..."In America, we're taught to check a fact, before it becomes a fact"..."Don't care for b.s.- don't care to speak it, don't care to listen to it".

Now I really wanna read the novel by Patricia Highsmith- she sounds very interesting, though I read in later years she turned into a fanatic and a bigot. I guess she also wrote Strangers on a Train which I'd like to read.

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