Friday, July 15, 2011

My sleep disorder

I've always had a problem with insomnia- even as a little kid. From the age of 10 to 14 I listened to the radio on headphones before bed. I figured I might as well do something and I like music. There are certain songs that when I hear them now it takes me back to that time. For instance, George Harrison's "I Got My Mind Set On You" or "(I've Had) The Time Of My Life".

My mom always woke me up for school so that wasn't an issue until I moved away from home. The first few months of first adult job I overslept a lot. Eventually I turned that around and started getting up early every single day. I started work at 7am but I got up at 4am. I started to like that- I'd amke coffee and watch the early newscast. By the time I got to work I felt fully awake and ahead of the game.

Three years of that and then I moved back to this area and started hanging out with an old friend from high school, Angela. A drinker and a pot-smoker, she liked to take it easy. And she loved sleep. A lot of times I'd end up sleeping over her house and it wasn't like sleeping at my other friends' houses. Angela had a big soft bed with 8 pillows and a big white down comforter. Hungover, we'd sleep well into the morning and sometimes the afternoon. She helped me re-discover my love of sleeping in.

Now I stay in bed until the last possible minute but I don't like that. I feel awake enough when I get to work, but it seems wrong to avoid the day like that. I feel like I don't have control over my sleep habits. At bedtime I lie in bed for hours, tossing and turning, not ready to end the day and surrender to sleep, and in the morning I pull the covers over my head and ignore the urgent need to pee because I don't want to leave the safety of my bed.

This is not good. I'm off tomorrow, it's past midnight, I'm heading to bed soon, and my alarm is set for 7am. I hope that I'll get up when the alarm sounds but i don't really have anything important to do tomorrow. I have some chores and errands but none are really pressing and if I spent the entire day in bed nothing would go wrong.

I've gotta do something about this problem. Is anyone else going through this? Talk to me.

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