Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Posts

I've been busy lately but for the rest of the month I'm going to try posting more often. Probably more movie reviews but who knows, it could be anything.

I just wanna mention quickly: Yesterday I re-read Eudora Welty's "Why I Live At The PO". It was in a paperback that I borrowed from my parents years ago. It had been on the big bookshelf in the living room for as long as I remember and it's called Short Story Masterpieces. It's got Hemmingway, FSF, Joey Conrad- all the big names. I like the F. Scott story, "Winter Dreams" but that's about it.

Years ago I read the short story collection that David Sedaris editted; there were some really good stories- I liked the one by Flannery O'Conner, but my favorite was by an author named Jincey Willet called "The Best of Betty". I've re-read it about 10 times. It's amazing and one of the best things I've ever read. I still can't believe that someone could come up with all that. If you ever get the chance, check it out.

Sedaris also included "Why I Live At The PO". I'd been curious about her; I've read a lot of writers say how great she is. So I Looked at the local library and all I could find was a large-print book called A Writers Beginning and it was the published version of a speech she had given later in life. I liked it a lot but I could tell that it wasn't her best work- I'm sure it didn't really represent her real writing output. So I read the short story in Sedaris's book and I have to say: I don't get what the big deal is. It was good, and there were a couple funny lines, but they weren't really funny lines.

So I re-read it yesterday and I feel the same. What's the big deal? I'm gonna have to give her another chance. She must be good, I'm probably just missing something.

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