Friday, July 1, 2011

Fun on Friday

When Joe Dirt came out in 2001 I had no desire to see it, didn't even think of it. Then I caught it Comedy Central and I've seen it 20 times since then. I know every word of it (except for whatever Comedy Cenral might've cut out of it). Now Dicky Roberts: Former Child Star (2003) is on. I'm catching it halfway through, I'm about ten minutes in and so far it seems just OK.

I was just looking at USA Today- Nike has re-signed Michael Vick. Fuck him and fuck Nike too. What are there, over a hundred professional football players? Nike couldn't go with another one?

It's been a beautiful day, looks like it's gonna be a warm, breezy night, and the weekend is here. Tomorrow I'm going to a cookout at a friend's house and Sunday my parents are having a party. It'll be nice to get my mind off things for a while.

I'm gonna get back to the movie. Dickie's learning to ride a bike and he keeps crashing into things.

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