Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2010: Things to look forward to


We're already into the second month of 2010 and while it might not seem so great so far it is winter and that always sucks. The future holds a lot of good things though, such as:

Amy Sedaris has been working on a craft book, a follow-up to I Like You.

Throwing Muses will be working on new songs (KH's demo of the first, "Sunray Venus" is up at Cash Music now).

The Pixies are still together- there's always the chance they'll put out a new song or two- maybe even a new album.

Piranha 3-D.

Shutter Island.

Plus there'll be new features here at RJ Battles. I'm going to make some terrariums and you can watch them grow.

If there's anything I forgot to mention, let me know. I'd like to hear from you.

Clem photo by Matthew Battles

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