Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Like A Prayer" Part One

Like A Prayer (1989) Madonna

Madonna's Like A Prayer album came out on the first day of spring in 1989. Plans were made that after dinner my dad would drive my brother and me to the record store to get it.

When I'd gotten out of school that day I stopped at Brooks Drugs and while looking through the magazines I came across a small notice about the album. I read it quickly and misunderstood it. I thought the album contianed a song called "Express Yourself" which was a duet with Prince and about the death of her mother. Somehow I missed all the commas- the album has a song called "Express Yourself", a duet with Prince ("Love Song"), and a song about the death of her mother ("Promise to Try").

I listened to it right away when I got home. Then I listened to it a few more times with headphones in bed. By the time I left for school the next day I knew almost all the words.

Note: I love the top picture (by Herb Ritts)- the colors are awesome. The whole thing is like a beautiful painting (another image from the same photo session was used for the back cover of Like A Prayer).

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