Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Trompe Le Monde

Trompe Le Monde (1991)

Trompe Le Monde is the last Pixies album (so far); I like to think of it as the latest Pixies album.

As I've said before, I'll probably never listen to Doolittle again- I just know it too well, I've listened to it a million times. I've played TLM a million times too but if someone put a gun to my head and said I'd have to pick Pixies album and listen to it I'd think that was really wierd. Why would someone do that? But I'd pick Trompe. I think it has the most mystery to it.

And I love the sleeve design. Not the Pixies logo that they use on this record; what I really like is the eyeballs with the curtain- I think it's neat and the lettering is like an old horror movie poster- maybe a Vincent Price-Roger Corman "Poe Picture", as Stephen King calls them.

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