Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wicked Scary

My friend Chris loves the movie Alien. He remembers the night he first saw it as a young kid- he was having dinner at his uncle's house and it was on TV and it really scared him.

We ended up talking about another movie that really scared us as kids. It might sound strange but it was Superman III, the one with Richard Pryor. You might be reading this and thinking, "How could a Superman movie be scary for anyone?", but that only means you've never seen it.

If you have seen it you know exactly what I'm talking about.

There's a scene towards the end where there's some kind of big evil computer. A woman, Lex Luther's sister (I think) is running away from it but gets sucked inside. Wires start wrapping around her and she's covered with computer chips. In seconds she's transformed into an evil robot and she tries to attack everyone.

Chris and I both agreed that that sequence was one of the scariest things we ever saw as children.

A couple days ago I decided to try to find that scene on YouTube. It was easy to find. The thing is, it doesn't scare me now, but I can totally see why it was scary years ago. You feel bad for the poor woman because she's possessed- the evil computer takes over her whole body and mind and makes her evil too. Her face and her eyes turn silver. And when she comes out of the machine she's got a demonic face and spikey, metalic hair.

Most of the comments were from people who said the scene scared the shit out of them when they were kids. So me and Chris weren't the only ones.

Note: Superman II was kind of upsetting too. Remember, that's the one where the space criminals escaped from space-jail. At the beginning they're on the moon and they come across some astronauts. They tear open one of the astronauts' spacesuits, killing him. Fucked up.

Later, on Earth, they start causing trouble and a teenage guy tries to stop them. While the kid is driving a truck one of the spaceguys sends a death-ray and blows up the truck.

Bystander: He was just a boy!!

Evil spaceguy: Who will not grow to be a man.

As Paula Abdul would say, "He's a cold-hearted snake".

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