Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The new IFC

I've written before about how the Independent Film Channel has started running commercials. That's bad enough, IFC used to be one of the few stations where you could watch good movies, uninterupted.

Remember when American Movie Classics used to play old movies? It wasn't as good as Turner Classic Movies, but it was commercial-free and they played some good movies sometimes.

Then AMC started playing commercials and everything went to shit. Their idea of a "classic" changed from A Man For All Seasons to Top Gun. These days, I don't think they play anything older than 1970.

But the worst thing is, instead of just playing regular commercials, they also do endless ads for their own programming. And that's not all. In prime-time, they sometimes have these "date night" features where a man and a woman will talk about the movie that's playing. Why do think that anybody wants to see this shit? I just wanna see the movie. If they need to run ads that's fine. But why are they going out of their way to show things that nobody wants to see?

Now IFC is doing the same thing. At night they'll play reruns of The Larry Sanders Show, but they have it hosted by some guy I've never heard of, and before and after the commercials he'll talk and interview people like Michael Cera and Sarah Silverman. It''s always un-funny, but they call it "Comedy Deathray", and those words are always sung is this gay, annoying way. I'd rather they just played more car commercials than this shit.

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