Friday, March 11, 2011


My roommate just swiched us over from DirecTV to Comcast. Our package is larger now, meaning we get almost every station.

I have one problem so far, though: when your flipping through the stations, the display at top doesn't keep up; you have to change the stations slowly if youi wanna know what's on those stations. It might seem like a small, petty complaint, but, believe me, it's a drag.

Aside from the awful earthquake and resulting tsunami, it's a slow news day. I'll just throw out a few incidents and observations.

Right now I'm listening to the second Kristin Hersh solo CASH series. "Flooding" is on now. Even though it's a slow song it grabbed me at the first listen and I'm liking it more and more. It's such a strong song. It might rank among Hersh's all-time best songs.

A lot of the CASH songs are very good. From the first series I like "Morning Birds", "Fortune", "Elizabeth June", and my favorite "Speedbath".

In Series Two, I like, of course, "Flooding", "Gin", "Glass", "Opiates", and "Crooked".

It's too soon to tell with the Throwing Muses demos, as they're just demos, but so far I'm interested in "Cherry Candy/ Dripping Trees" and "Clark's Nutcracker".

I have a feeling that the upcoming TM LP is gonna be good.

Yesterday, the first thing I watched on the new Comcast system was She Devil, the 1989 movie starring Roseanne Barr and Meryl Streep. It's not the funniest movie ever but it holds up pretty well.

The thing is, She-Devil was directed by Susan Seidelman, who made Desperately Seeking Susan. After that movie people had high expectations and all she really did after that was direct episodes of Sex In The City.

Same thing with Heathers. Michael Lehman went on to direct Hudson Hawk- it got bad reviews but I thought it was funny. But then he did movies like Airheads, The Truth About Cats and Dogs, and, the worst, 40 Days and 40 Nights. How do things like that happen? Watch Heathers, and then watch 40 Days. It's scary.

Note: re: the bottom photo...

Julia Sugarbaker, to a sleazy photographer: "If you're looking for someone to suck pearls, I suggest you find yourself an OYSTER".

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