Monday, March 15, 2010

more Corey Haim

You might've read that in February of 2008 Corey Haim took out an ad in Variety, the Hollywood trade publication, saying that he had gotten things together and was back in business.

The ad has a homemade feel to it. Maybe he had a friend snap a picture and then Photoshop some text over it, but here are my complaints, and there are just two.

Could they maybe have waited a week or two before taking the picture? His face looks swollen, especially around the eyes. It would've been better to wait and then snap a dozen photos- different clothes and poses- and then use the best three. Don't aspiring actors present professional headshots? One should've been included. The photo he used is fine- I mean, it's casual and he looks happy at least. The photo isn't the biggest problem.

The biggest problem is the signature.

It's shaky, like when you sign for UPS on one of those hand-held scanners. I look at it and imagine someone guiding his hand while he lies on a couch sleeping off the night before.

I don't sound serious, or rather, I sound like I'm making fun, but really, I feel bad. Honestly, I wish now that I had written him a letter. That's not something I've done before but I think he would've been easy to reach. If I'd looked for his address I could've written him a letter and I'm sure he would've stopped to read it.

I would've said something encouraging, something about changing and taking control of the future. I'd like to think that I could've helped and made a difference, but I'm stupid like that. I think that had a met Kurt Cobain in the winter or spring of 1994- just once, just one night- I could've talked to him and given him a more positive attitude and he would still be a live today.

Like I said, stupid, but I believe it.

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