Sunday, May 16, 2010

My TV plans

The other night my buddy and I were watching Deadliest Catch on Discovery or TLC. It's the show that follows around Alaskan Crab fishermen; it's become a big hit and now they can even afford to have Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive" as their opening theme song.

Me and my buddy wanna produce our own show in his living room with a painted backdrop and wooden traps and lobsters and crabs that we'll borrow overnight from the supermarket he works at. The two of us will play all the characters with him as the young, bumbling "greenhorn" and me as the chain-smiking, mullet-wearing captain. We'll call it Catching Crabs.

My other idea is for A&E to do a spin-off of both Intervention and Hoarders. The druggies will move in with the hoarders - they'll sell of all valuables for dope and then once their high they'll clean up everything else. If the hoarders get uncomfortable the junkies can always hook them up with something to calm them down. We'll call it Interhoardtion or something like that.

Two problems solved; everyone's happy.

Note: there's a cable TV station called TRU TV and they run Cops re-runs from the early 90s. They also do a couple shows, one is about repo men and another is called Southern Fried Stings. The thing is, both are bullshit re-enactment shows but they try to look like real footage and there's just a quick disclaimer at the beginning of each saying it's based on real stories. Fuck that.

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