Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Troy, VT

If I had to choose a favorite Aimee Mann song I might choose "Mr. Harris". It's one of her nicest songs and just a straight love song, and you can clearly see the characters.

She mentions her mother calling from Troy, VT so a while back I looked up Troy- nothing too interesting, but it's way up there by the Canadian border and the Wikipedia page says that the town is mentioned in the Aimee Mann song "Mr. Harris" from the Whatever LP.

So that was cool.

You guys, I've been so sick for the last two days. Last night I tried watching Chinatown all the way through and I was really into it and halfway through I had to turn the sound down, take off my glasses and lay down. Right now I'm on my third try with the same cigarette. I nearly threw up the first time and put it out with one hand and covered my mouth with the other.

Luckily I'm off today and hopefully I'll feel better soon.

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