Monday, May 31, 2010

Fifty and fabulous

This is a big post. May 2010 will be the first month where I, RJ Battles, posted fifty blog posts. Now, I'll admit: not all fifty are gold. One, in fact, had to be deleted because it wasn't properly thought-out and was full of half-formed thoughts.

There's another that I'd like to delete- "Good Advice"- because it's corny and stupid, but I have to keep it up because it's true and honest and there's a chance someone could be helped by it.

Anyway, some of the posts are pretty good; a couple are favorites:
"Ideas for an Aimee Mann collection"
"Goat Boy"
"Another idea for a TV show", and one of my best,
"The Daily Guru"

I friend came over this afternoon and after we hit up McDonalds we covered ourselves with tan amplifier and roasted in the backyard. After a cold shower we cooled off in the air conditioning of my bedroom and I told her about my TV show idea and she liked it. That made me happy. A little enthusiasm and support goes a long way. Maybe I'll actually do this instead my usual endless planning without action.

On craigslist I saw a VHS camcorder listed for $10. (I don't like Everybody Loves Raymond) but I saw the cast on Inside the Actors Studio and Patricia Heaton (I think that's her name) had some good advice: "If you're not getting work, start your own project; set up production of a play at a local theater; don't wait for someone else to discover you- make your own opportunities". I'm not an out-of-work actor, but this show is something I could do in my spare time and create almost entirely on my own. Once I find a camera, the only limit is my own creativity and effort. And now I know I've got at least one friend who likes the idea and is willing to help.

I'll try to provide more updates on the show and less about my terrariums. How does that sound?

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